We studied Grey Partridge Perdix perdix mortality during breeding to identi
fy the environmental causes of a long-term decline in adult survival. We ra
diotagged and monitored daily from mid-March to mid-September 1009 females
on ten contrasting study sites in 1995-97. Simultaneously, we recorded habi
tat features and estimated the abundance of Hen and Marsh Harriers Circus c
yaneus and C. aeruginosus, Red Fox Vulpes vulpes and mustelids. We experime
ntally tested whether scavenging could have biased predation rates. We also
examined, through the necropsy of 80 carcasses of Grey Partridge, whether
disease, parasites or poisoning could have been ultimate causes of high pre
dation rates. The survival rate of radiotagged females during spring and su
mmer ranged from 0.25 to 0.65 across study areas. Mortality peaked in May,
June and July when females were laying and incubating. The direct negative
impact of farming practices was low (6%). Predation was the main proximate
cause of female mortality during breeding (73%) and determined the survival
rate, suggesting no compensation by other causes of mortality. Ground carn
ivores were responsible for 64% of predation cases, and raptors for 29%, bu
t this proportion varied across study sites. Disease and poisoning did not
appear to favour predation, and scavenging was not likely to have substanti
ally overestimated predation rates. The predation rate on breeding females
was positively correlated with the abundance of Hen and Marsh Harriers, sug
gesting an additional mortality in areas where harriers were abundant. The
proportion of raptor predation was linearly related to harrier abundance. T
he predation rate was not correlated with the abundance of the Red Fox and
mustelids. A potential density-dependent effect on the predation rate was c
onfounded by the abundance of harriers. We found no convincing relationship
between the predation rate and habitat features, but we observed a positiv
e relationship between the abundance of Hen and Marsh Harriers and the mean
field size. This suggested that habitat characteristics may contribute to
high predation rates through predator abundance or habitat-dependent predat