To extract extrinsic resistances, conventional cold-FET methods require add
itional DC measurements or channel technological parameters. Additionally,
the methods need at least two sets of cold-FET S-parameters measured at dif
ferent cold-FET bias conditions in order to completely determine gate and d
rain pad capacitance as well as extrinsic gate, source and drain inductance
and their resistances. One set of S-parameters handles the extraction of e
xtrinsic inductances, and the other set extracts the gate and drain pad cap
acitance. To be free from additional DC measurement or channel technologica
l parameters and reduce the number of sets of cold-FET S-parameters, we pro
pose a cold-FET method that can extract all the extrinsic elements includin
g the gate and drain capacitance, using only one set of cold-FET S-paramete
rs. The method has shown excellent agreement between modeled and measured S
-parameters up to 62 GHz at 56 different normal operating bias points.