Superscalar processors can achieve increased performance by issuing instruc
tions Out-of-Order (OoO) from the original instruction stream. Implementing
an OoO instruction scheme requires a hardware mechanism to prevent incorre
ctly executed instructions from updating registers values, In addition, per
formance decreases if data dependencies, a branch or a trap among instructi
ons appears. To this end ww propose a new mechanism named Dynamic Fast issu
e (DFI) mechanism to issue instructions ill all OoO fashion to multiple par
allel functional units without considerable hardware complexity. The above
system, which will be implemented in our Superscalar Functional Assignments
Register Microprocessor (FARM) [1], solves data dependencies, supports pre
cise interrupt and branch prediction, which are the main problems associate
d with the dynamic scheduling of instructions ill superscalar machines, Res
ults are written only once, Write-once, directly; into the register file (R
F). To ensure that results are written in order in their appropriate output
registers, a record of instruction order and state is maintained by a stat
us buffer (STB). A 64 entries integrated register file is implemented to ho
ld both renamed and logical registers. To recover the processor state from
an interrupt or a branch miss-prediction, a status buffer (STB) and a recov
ery list table (RLT) are implemented. Novel aspects of the above system arc
hitecture as well as the principle underlying: this process and the constra
ints that must be met is presented, Performance evaluation results are perf
ormed through full-pipelined-level architectural simulator and SPECint95 be
nchmark programs.