Direct coal liquefaction test plants have been constructed and successfully
operated under subsidies from the New Energy and Industrial Technology Dev
elopment Organization. To analyze the data, which had been collected on the
se plants, a simulator was constructed for the material and enthalpy balanc
es in the preheaters and reactors. This simulator was evaluated in a proces
s supporting unit (PSU) with a capacity of 1 ton of dry coal/day and a pilo
t plant (PP) with a capacity of 150 tons of dry coal/day, from the standpoi
nt of vapor-liquid equilibria, reaction rate constants, and hydrodynamics i
n the reactors. Reaction rate coefficients were determined in the PSU by it
eration until the calculated yields at the outlet of the third reactor coin
cided with the observed data. The kinetic data were then applied to the PP,
which was operated under conditions similar to those of the PSU, and the l
iquefaction product yields at the outlet of the third reactor were calculat
ed. The calculated values were in general agreement with the observed data.