Interaction of plastocyanin (PC) with lysine peptides (Lysptds), models of
the PC interacting site of cytochrome f, is studied. A longer absorption ma
ximum for the 600-nm CT band and a stronger intensity for the 460-nm absorp
tion band of PC were observed on Lysptd binding, suggesting that PC suffers
a structural change at its active site from the interaction. These changes
have been previously attributed to the changes in the active site Cu-Cys g
eometry upon binding of Lysptds to the PC negative patch (Hirota, Hayamizu,
Endo, Hibino, Takabe, Kohzuma and Yamauchi, J. Am. Chem. Sec. 1998, 120, 8
177-8183). Changes in the absorption difference spectra were observed from
pH 5.0 to 8.9, although the intensities were smaller at pH 5.0, probably du
e to the decrease in PC-Lysptd complex formation ability due to protonation
of aspartic acid or glutamic acid residues of the PC negative patch. The i
ntensities of the changes also decreased on addition of NaCl, which demonst
rates that the structural change of PC on interaction with Lysptd is induce
d by an electrostatic interaction.