L. Coutinho, Overcoming crises resulting from adherence to the Washington Consensus: lessons from the Republic of Korea and Brazil, INT SOC SCI, 52(4), 2000, pp. 517
Considering the recent experiences of both the Republic of Korea and Brazil
, the following lessons should be underscored. (1) Brazil's (and Latin Amer
ica' s) liberalisation policies approved by the Washington Consensus, and e
specially the inflation control programmes based on overvalued exchange rat
es, placed the region's economies in a vulnerable position. (2) The Republi
c of Korea's experience with liberalisation in the mid-1990s was much more
superficial and shorter. However, in terms of its rapid and short-term exte
rnal indebtedness, the country was quite imprudent. (3) The Republic of Kor
ea's spectacular reversion in its external current account deficit during 1
998 clearly underscores the importance of having large national business gr
oups that are sufficiently competitive, industrially and technologically, t
o react quickly to national policies and decisions. In Brazil, the financia
l, industrial, and technological weakness of large national business groups
, explains, to a large degree, the difficulty of overcoming the balance of
payments crisis, despite the reduced inflationary impact of the maxi-devalu
ation in the exchange rate.