Bipolar disorder has been conceptualized as an outcome of dysregulation in
the behavioral activation system (BAS), a brain system that regulates goal-
directed activity. On the basis of the BAS model, the authors hypothesized
that life events involving goal attainment would promote manic symptoms in
bipolar individuals. The authors followed 43 bipolar I individuals monthly
with standardized symptom severity assessments (the Modified Hamilton Ratin
g Scale for Depression and the Bech-Rafaelsen Mania Raring Scale). Life eve
nts were assessed using the Goal Attainment and Positivity scales of the Li
fe Events and Difficulties Schedule. As hypothesized. manic symptoms increa
sed in the 2 months following goal-attainment events, but depressed symptom
s were not changed following goal-attainment events. These results are cong
ruent with a series of recent polarity-specific findings.