Manual biomedical data collection and entry of the data into a personal com
puter is time-consuming and can be prone to errors. The purpose of this stu
dy was to compare data entry into a hand-held computer versus hand written
data followed by entry of the data into a personal computer. A Palm (3Com P
alm IIIx, Santa, Clara, Calif) computer with a custom menu-driven program w
as used for the entry and retrieval of burn-related variables. These variab
les were also used to create an identical sheet that was filled in by hand.
Identical data were retrieved twice from 110 charts 48 hours apart and the
n used to create an Excel (Microsoft, Redmond, Wash) spreadsheet. One time
data were recorded by the Palm entry method, and the other time the data we
re handwritten. The method of retrieval was alternated between the Palm sys
tem and handwritten system every 10 charts. The total time required to log
data and to generate an Excel spreadsheet was recorded and used as a study
endpoint. The total time for the Palm method of data collection and downloa
ding to a personal computer was 23% faster than hand recording with the per
sonal computer entry method (P < 0.05), and 58% fewer errors were generated
with the Palm method.) The Palm is a faster and more accurate means of dat
a collection than a handwritten technique.