Insulin is the principal hormone of metabolic regulation. Reduced responses
to insulin constitute an underlying feature of type 2 diabetes. It is, the
refore, incumbent on those who work in this area (as well as many others) t
o characterize this response, in as simple and consistent a way as possible
, so that this measure can be used both in the investigational and clinical
setting. This type of approach, although eminently useful, is necessarily
an oversimplification. Not only does insulin sensitivity change in patholog
ical situations, but also in normal physiology. Tissue-specific, metabolite
-specific, as well as process-specific responses may be expected to occur.
Variations also occur in time- depending on the physiological state of the
individual (e.g, pregnancy, aging) or following diurnal rhythms. It is perh
aps remarkable that any consistent assessment of overall insulin sensitivit
y can be made. The observation that this can often be achieved has led to h
ypotheses suggesting that sensitivity to insulin is primarily determined at
a single site (tissue, metabolite). At the same time, there are many discu
ssions about the inconsistencies inherent in different approaches to the me
asurement of this parameter, suggesting that some of these variants, metabo
lic or otherwise, could lead to the low correlation between methods sometim
es seen. Nevertheless, most methods used in the assessment of insulin sensi
tivity examine the response to insulin of a single metabolite, glucose, pri
marily in the muscle and liver, and under fasting conditions and should, th
erefore, demonstrate insulin sensitivity that is comparable among methods.