The proleg withdrawal reflex in the caterpillar Manduca sexta is a robust,
well-characterized system for investigating the integration of sensory info
rmation with centrally patterned behavior. The reflex is evoked by stimulat
ing mechanosensory hairs - planta hairs - located at the tip of each proleg
. We studied the expression of this reflex by combining video recordings an
d electromyographic recordings from the main retractor muscles of the prole
g, the principal and accessory planta retractor muscles. In intact animals,
the nature of the response depended on the motor context of the animal. An
imals which were standing quietly showed great variability in both the kine
matic properties of proleg withdrawal, and the corresponding muscle electri
cal activity. Animals which were hanging upside down from a wooden dowel ex
hibited. a much faster reflex, with retraction of the proleg occurring slig
htly faster than in standing animals, but re-extension of the proleg to the
substrate being considerably faster. In crawling animals, expression of th
e reflex depended on the phase of the crawling cycle during which stimulati
on occurred. The reflex in a given proleg was suppressed during stance phas
e of that proleg. During swing phase, however, planta hair stimulation evok
ed proleg, withdrawal, resulting in an assistance reflex. In contrast, isol
ated abdomens showed much less variability in the reflex. A comparison of t
he relationship between retractor muscle activity and the resulting proleg
movement showed significant correlations between both the duration of activ
ity and the number of muscle spikes, and the size of the associated proleg
withdrawal. This is a promising system in which to investigate how central
neuronal circuits accomplish context-dependency of motor behavior.