Using a structured observation methodology, the researchers examined the de
gree to which the content of a set of therapeutic community (TC) programs f
or jail detainees varied based on the gender of the participants. The obser
vation technique allowed the researchers to examine the theoretical orienta
tion of the program, the therapeutic tools used in the treatment programs,
and the content of individual sessions. The four programs had mixed success
in providing gender-specific services as suggested by previous research on
the treatment needs of women. While the implementation of these four progr
ams did vary according to client gender, these variations did not always re
present the delivery of appropriate gender-specific treatment. Overall, men
's treatment sessions focused on motivation building and relapse prevention
, and women's meetings focused on aftercare planning and spirituality. Furt
hermore, the sessions for males used more structured therapeutic techniques
, while the females' meetings were less structured. The authors suggest tha
t a more comprehensive therapeutic approach, combining pro-social value rei
nforcement and specific skill development, might be more successful in addr
essing the multiple and complex needs facing women in residential substance
abuse treatment, as identified in previous research.