The Office of School Food and Nutrition Services of the New York City Board
of Education identified three areas as potential bottlenecks in implementa
tion of its HACCP program: the critical control point analysis sis, trainin
g, and oversight of implementation. Each area was addressed in a nonstandar
d way Menu items were grouped on the basis of food handling processes they
had in common. The critical control point analysis was then performed on th
ose process groups rather than on individual menu items: and that approach
greatly reduced the work without compromising the analytical process. The m
ost obvious implementation challenge, training of 10,000 staff members, was
addressed through delegation. It was determined that all supervisory staff
dana to the person in charge of each site needed a fairly broad understand
ing In turn, those staff would provide more specific training to their subo
rdinates nates. Finally because of the size and speed of the implementation
effort: effective implementation oversight sas critical. A HACCP Monitorin
g team was formed, not only to pro vide oversight, but also to serve as an
extension of the training program, This team Mill provide immediate refresh
er training when deficiencies are identified and will give positive reinfor
cement for compliance.