We compute numerically the amplitude of long thin fingers that form in a li
quid stratified with sugar S-* and salt T-* (measured in buoyancy units), f
or which tau = k(S)/k(T) = 1/3 is the ratio of the two diffusivities and th
e Prandtl number is Pr = v/k(T) similar to 10(3), where v is the viscosity.
The finger layer in our model is bounded by rigid and slippery horizontal
surfaces with constant T-*, S-* (the setup is similar to the classical Rayl
eigh convection problem). The numerically computed steady fluxes compare we
ll with laboratory experiments in which the fingers are sandwiched between
two deep (convectively mixed) reservoirs with given concentration differenc
es DeltaT(*), DeltaS(*). The model results, discussed in terms of a combina
tion of asymptotic analysis and numerical simulations over a range of densi
ty ratio R = DeltaT(*)/DeltaS(*), are consistent with the (DeltaS(*))(4/3)
similarity law for the fluxes. The dimensional interfacial height (H-*) in
the reservoir experiments (unlike that in our rigid lid model) is not an in
dependent parameter, but it adjusts to a statistically steady value proport
ional to (DeltaS(*))(-1/3). This similarity law is also explained by our mo
del when it is supplemented by a consideration of the stability of the very
thin horizontal boundary layers with large gradients (partial derivativeS(
*)/partial derivativez) which form near the rigid surfaces. The preference
for three-dimensional salt fingers is also explained by a combination of an
alytical and numerical considerations.