A practical energy source which does not release carbon dioxide is needed i
n order to protect the environment the earth. One proposed solution is use
of a cassette type nuclear reactor for supplying energy for air conditionin
g, heating, and hot water in an office building. This paper clarifies the e
ssential points for a compact reactor designed to be installed in the basem
ent of a building, and establishes the concept of the nuclear reactor. The
essential points are as follows
(1) Construction of the system in a factory and transportation to the insta
llation site by trailer.
(2) Passive safety characteristics which do not require operation of an ext
ernal electrical power source.
(3) Safety characteristics for seismic activity or lire, for buildings whic
h do not require additional earthquake or fire-resistant design.
(4) Long term remote operation of the compact reactor.
The concept of the district-heating reactor MR-1G was discussed and analyze
d, and it was proven that the MR-1G satisfies the essential points of the c
onceptual design requirements.