771 cases of erysipelas and 52 cases of infectious cellulitis were collecte
d over 3 months in a prospective study carried out in French hospitals. The
mean age was 62.7 +/- 19.3 years for the erysipelas patients and 69.7 +/-
16 years for the cellulitis patients. Sex-ratios were respectively 0.92 and
2.7 The infection was mainly localized in the lower limbs in both categori
es (90.9% and 71%); the upper limbs and the face were more often involved i
n cellulitis than in erysipelas (13% versus 5.2% and 10% versus 2.5%). Peni
cillin G was the initial antimicrobial treatment in 45% of the erysipelas c
ases, whereas amoxicillin-clavulanic acid was used in 32.7% of the cellulit
is cases. Other antibiotics used were pristinamycin, antistaphylococcal pen
icillin, and amoxicillin. Combinations of antibiotics were used to treat 50
% of the cellulitis cases but only 11% of the erysipelas cases. Anticoagula
nts were used in 67.4% of the erysipelas cases and in 59.7% of the cellulit
is cases. Surgery was performed in 52% of the cellulitis cases, and hyperba
ric oxygen in 4.2%. The outcome was quite different for the 2 diseases: cur
e rate without complications reached 86.6% for erysipelas; and only 48.1% f
or cellulitis; death rates reached respectively 0.77% and 5.7%, median leng
th of hospitalization 8 days and 21 days, and median length of antibiotic t
reatment 15 days and 21 days. (C) 2000 Editions scientifiques et medicales
Elsevier SAS.