Background: Cystic fibrosis is the most common hereditary disorder among Ca
ucasians. Most of the patients are diagnosed as children. However, some cas
es are going undiagnosed into adulthood and are then often misdiagnosed bec
ause the non-pediatricians do not know cystic fibrosis very well and do not
consider this diagnosis in adult patients.
Case Report: We present the medical history of a woman, who was diagnosed w
ith cystic fibrosis at the age of 39 years, although she had suffered from
bronchiectasis, pancreatic insufficiency and liver cirrhosiss since many ye
ars. Her medical history was long with some diagnosis, but because of her a
ge nobody considered the final diagnosis.
Conclusion: In adult patients with bronchiectasis, liver cirrhosis and panc
reatic insufficiency in combination or with only one of these symptoms, cys
tic fibrosis should be included into the differential diagnosis.