In the early 1970's, two similar genera, Labyrinthuloides and Aplanochytriu
m, were described within months of one another. Ironically, these two gener
a were originally associated with entirely different groups of fungi. Labyr
inthuloides was recognized as having morphological similarities to the laby
rinthulids (or marine slime nets), and Aplanochytrium was associated with t
he thraustochytrid fungi. However, contemporary researchers were beginning
to recognize that the thraustochytrids and labyrinthulids were closely rela
ted. By the mid 1980's, biochemical and morphological evidence linking Laby
rinthuloides and Aplanochytrium was mounting, and suggestions were made tha
t these genera were identical. In 1999, Honda et al. published a molecular
phylogeny of the Labyrinthulomycota, including ssurDNA sequence data from A
planochytrium kerguelensis. Leander and Porter (submitted) also reported a
molecular phylogeny of the group, including Labyrinthuloides yorkensis and
Labyrinthuloides minuta. We have compared this sequence data from A. kergue
lensis, L. minuta, and L. yorkensis, and together with the morphological si
milarities, we conclude that Aplanochytrium and Labyrinthuloides are synony
mous. Following the IBC rules of nomenclature, Aplanochytrium is recognized
as the correct name for this genus by means of precedence. Additionally, t
he five species of labyrinthuloides are transferred to Aplanochytrium. We a
lso transfer one species of labyrinthula, L. thaisi, to Aplanochytrium base
d on morphological similarities.