Purpose: To examine to what extent measurement of standard visual acuity al
lows prediction of other spatial vision measures on an individual basis whe
n high correlations exist between visual acuity and the other measures. Met
hods: A series of spatial vision functions were measured in a sample of 900
community-dwelling older observers. Regression analysis was performed, and
correlation coefficients were calculated between standard high-contrast vi
sual acuity and other spatial vision measures including contrast sensitivit
y, low-contrast acuity, low-contrast low-luminance acuity (SKILL card), and
disability glare acuity. Results: All measures were highly and significant
ly correlated with standard visual acuity (r = 0.68 to 0.91). Despite the h
igh correlations, many predictions of the other spatial vision measures fro
m the correlation with standard acuity fell considerably outside of accepta
ble ranges determined by repeatability, The influence of the range of value
s in correlations is emphasized. Conclusions: Other spatial vision measures
cannot be predicted on an individual basis from visual acuity despite high
and significant correlations between the measures. (Optom Vis Sci 2000;77: