Nitric oxide (NO) is a novel indicator gas for investigating alveolar capil
lary gas exchange conditions. In clinical practice, pulmonary gas uptake is
determined by measuring the single-breath diffusing capacity (D-L.NO). Dif
ferent algorithms are employed to calculate D-L.NO. TO compare the accuracy
of those most commonly used, we per-Formed single-breath experiments on 12
artificially ventilated rabbits. In each animal four manoeuvres, executing
breath-holds: of 2, 4, 6 and 8 a, were carried out. In each case we admini
stered 55 mi of an indicator gas mixture containing 0.05% NO. Alveolar gas
was analysed by respiratory mass spectrometry. The two algorithms fur calcu
lating D-L,D-NO based on the conventional solution of the breath-holding eq
uation [Ogilvie et al. (1957) J Clin Invest 36:1-17 and Jones and Meade (19
61) Q J Exp Physiol 46:131-143], were compared with the three-equation tech
nique [Graham ct al. (1980) IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 27:221-227] as the refere
nce. The deviation between D-L.NO calculated from the conventional methods
and the reference decreased linearly with increasing duration of NO uptake
(Deltat). The mean deviations declined from 16.6% (Jones and Meade) or 7.7%
(Ogilvie) at Deltat=4 a to 5.7% (Jones and Meade) or 2.4% (Ogilvie) at Del
tat=10 s. The larger mean values are due to the conventional solution where
three-tenths of the inflation time is subtracted ft om dt. These findings
qualify the common prediction that the latter method yields D-L,D-NO values
of the highest accuracy. We therefore recommend Ogilvie's procedure if the
three-equation technique cannot be employed.