We construct an effective field theory valid for processes in which highly
energetic light-like particles interact with collinear and soft degrees of
freedom, using the decay B-->X(s)gamma near the end point of the photon spe
ctrum, x = 2E(gamma)/m(b)-->1, as an example. Below the scale mu = m(b) bot
h soft and collinear degrees of freedom are included in the effective theor
y, while below the scale mu =m(b)rootx-y, where 1-y is the light cone momen
tum fraction of the b quark in the B meson, we match onto a theory of biloc
al operators. We show that at one loop large logarithms cancel in the match
ing conditions, and that we recover the well-known renormalization group eq
uations that sum leading Sudakov logarithms.