This article describes procedures for presenting standardized measures of e
ffect size when contrasts are used to ask focused questions of data. The si
mplest contrasts consist of comparisons of two samples (e.g., based on the
independent t statistic). Useful effect-size indices in this situation are
members of the g family (e.g., Hedges's g and Cohen's d) and the Pearson r.
We review expressions for calculating these measures and for transforming
them back and forth, and describe how to adjust formulas for obtaining g or
d from t, or r from g, when the sample sizes are unequal. The real-life im
plications of d or g calculated from t become problematic when there are mo
re than two groups, but the correlational approach is adaptable and interpr
etable, although more complex than in the case of two groups. We describe a
family of four conceptually related correlation indices: the alerting corr
elation, the contrast correlation, the effect-size con-elation, and the BES
D (binomial effect-size display) correlation. These last three correlations
are identical in the simple setting of only two groups, but differ when th
ere are move than two groups.