In order to obtain mathematical models applicable to prenatal growth of the
ovine pineal gland, 420 embryos and fetuses at varying stages of developme
nt were used Tor morphometric analysis. For each of the following variables
studied, results were expressed as mean +/- standard error : body weight,
head weight, brain weight, pineal gland weight and pineal gland volume. The
possible influence of sex on variables was determined by analysis of varia
nce. The set of variables analysed was fitted to mathematical growth models
. The results obtained indicate that during prenatal development all the va
riables examined fit a curvilinear-multiplicative growth model; additionall
y the increase in these weights exceeds increases in length, particularly i
n the case of the pineal gland, suggesting considerable prenatal developmen
t of the gland, especially at the perinatal stage, where there is a marked
increase in both weight and volume. It's also discussed the possible influe
nce of morphologic changes of the pineal gland in its physiological maturat
ion during prenatal development and it is established a clear correspondenc
e between the different phases of the growing curves of the pineal gland wh
it the ontogenic-proliferative and hypertrophic-differentiative phases, pre
viously described by the authors in their description of the ovine pineal g
land development. Finally, the data presented are offered to the scientific
community to be used on future researches (i.e. in order to obtain the val
ue of the volume or weight of pineal gland using the curve and the formulae
displayed in a specific phase of development).