Although the rise in health costs is a widely debated issue, in Switzerland
it was until recently taken for granted that patients are given the best a
vailable treatment regardless of cost. An example of a disease requiring co
stly treatment is acute myelogenous leukaemia (AML). To relate cost to bene
fit we calculated expenditure per life years gained. To assess costs we det
ermined the real cost of treatment up to total remission, followed by conso
lidation or withdrawal of treatment or death. For survival time exceeding t
he 2-year observation period we used data from recent literature. The avera
ge cost of treatment ranges up to 107 592 Swiss francs (CHF). In 1997 we tr
eated 23 leukaemia patients at Zurich University Hospital and gained a tota
l of 210 life years. This represents an average cost of CHF 11 741 per life
year gained. Chief cost items were therapy and personnel costs for nursing
staff, followed by hotel business and personnel costs for doctors and diag
nosis. Our results for AML treatment are far removed from the $61 500 rangi
ng up to $166 000 discussed in the literature as the "critical" QALY (quali
ty adjusted life years) value. This is the first time the actual costs of A
ML therapy have been shown for a Swiss cohort. Despite high initial treatme
nt costs and success only in a limited number of patients, the expenditure
per QALY is surprisingly low and shows clearly the effectiveness of apparen
tly costly acute medicine.