Since Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) become mandatory as of
July 1, 1997, many concerned researchers and policymakers have been anxiou
s to know how work-based welfare reform has affected families with children
. This study examined the employment patterns of parents receiving public a
ssistance under TANF and factors associated with their employment status. I
n addition to individual and family characteristics, the study examined the
effects of state-level variables on employment status of recipients. The s
tudy found that the length of time a state had prepared for welfare reform
prior to TANF was important in predicting the probability of employment for
parents on welfare. A state's unemployment rate, the degree of education,
disability, and the number of children were all found to be significant fac
tors for determining employment status. Also, this study found that Hispani
cs on TANF were more disadvantaged in job opportunities than other ethnic g