We present a gas-kinetic (Boltzmann-like) traffic equation that is not only
suited for low vehicle densities, but also for the high-density regime, as
it takes into account the forwardly directed interactions, effects of vehi
cular space requirements like increased interaction rates: and effects of v
elocity correlations that reflect the bunching of cars, at least partially.
From this gas-kinetic equation, we systematically derive the related macro
scopic traffic equations.
The corresponding partial differential equations for the vehicle density an
d average velocity are directly related to the quantities characterizing in
dividual driver-vehicle behavior, and, as we show by calibration of the mod
el, their optimal values have the expected order of magnitude. Therefore: t
he model allows to investigate the influences of varying street and weather
conditions or freeway control measures. We point out that, because of the
forwardly directed interactions, the macroscopic equations contain non-loca
l instead of diffusion or viscosity terms. This resolves some of the incons
istencies found in previous models and allows for a fast and robust numeric
al integration, so that several thousand freeway kilometers can be simulate
d in real-time.
It turns out that the model is in good agreement with the experimentally ob
served properties of freeway traffic flow. In particular, it reproduces the
characteristic outflow and dissolution velocity of traffic jams, as well a
s the phase transition to "synchronized" congested traffic. We also reprodu
ce the five different kinds of congested states that have been found close
to on-ramps (or bottlenecks) and present a "phase diagram" of the different
traffic states in dependence of the main flow and the ramp flow, showing t
hat congested states are often induced by perturbations in the traffic flow
. Finally, we introduce generalized macroscopic equations for multi-lane an
d multi-userclass traffic. With these, we investigate the differences betwe
en multi-lane simulations and simulations of the effective one-lane model.
(C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.