The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) project, now in the advanced construction p
hase at CERN, comprises two proton storage rings with colliding beams of 7
+ 7 TeV energy. The machine is housed in the existing LEP tunnel with a cir
cumference of 26.7 km and requires a bending magnetic held of 8.3 T with 14
m long superconducting magnets operating at 1.9 K. The beam vacuum system
comprises the inner 'cold bore' walls of the magnets which provide a nearly
perfect cryopump. In view of reducing the cryogenic power consumption, bot
h the heat load from synchrotron radiation emitted by the proton beams and
the resistive power dissipation by the beam image currents have to be absor
bed on a 'beam screen', which operates between 5 and 20 K and is inserted i
nside the cold bore. The design operating pressure must provide a beam life
time of several days and this requirement comes from the power deposition i
n the superconducting magnet coils due to protons scattered on the residual
gas which could lead to a magnet quench and interrupt the machine operatio
n. Cryopumping of gas on the cold surfaces provides the necessary low gas d
ensities but it must be ensured that the vapour pressure of cryosorbed mole
cules, of which H-2 and He are the most critical species, remains within ac
ceptable limits. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.