Atrial fibrillation is the most common sustained arrhythmia causing substan
tial morbidity and probably increasing the risk of death. Most commonly, it
is divided into a paroxysmal form, when - by definition - episodes end spo
ntaneously, or a persistent one that lasts and requires a medical or electr
ical intervention for its termination. It might be called permanent, when n
o further attempts seem to be indicated for its elimination. Until recently
, therapeutic strategies aimed
at preventing cardiac embolism and
at restoring and maintaining sinus rhythm by antiarrhythmic drugs.
Long-term efficacy of the latter approach is poor, since less than 50% of p
atients can be maintained in stable sinus rhythm when periods of more than
1 year are considered.
Can atrial fibrillation be cured?
More than ten years ago Cox and coworkers demonstrated that the surgical co
mpartimentation of both atria (MAZE procedure) is able to abolish atrial fi
brillation in up to 90% of patients with chronic paroxysmal and also persis
tent atrial fibrillation. However, all studies trying to imitate the MAZE p
rocedure by electrophysiological catheter-based techniques applying radiofr
equency energy to produce transmural linear lesions were either not success
ful or showed a non-acceptable complication rate, especially a high rate of
cerebrovascular accidents. The rationale behind the principle of compartim
entation of the atria is the reduction of the critical atrial muscle mass n
ecessary to facilitate fibrillation of the atria. A different approach aimi
ng especially at the problem of paroxysmal atial fibrillation is based on t
he observation that there might be a "focal trigger" responsible for the in
itiation of the atrial tachyarrhythmia and that by eliminating this focal t
rigger atrial fibrillation can be avoided. This hypothesis was first verifi
ed in patients by Haissaguerre et al., in fact experimental creation of "fo
cal atrial fibrillation" was presented by Moe and Abildskov more than 30 ye
ars ago. During the last 3 years the concept of curing paroxysmal atrial fi
brillation by applying focal radiofrequency lesions was supported by the re
sults of several groups in more than 200 patients: 60 to 85% of patients ca
n be cured, but in almost half of the cases more than one procedure is nece
ssary. Most interestingly - and this is a finding of all investigators more
than 90% of the triggering ectopic foci are located in the pulmonary veins
or in the pulmonary vein/left atrial junction. This concept is also suppor
ted by surgical experience from performing pulmonary vein isolations during
open heart surgery.
Most recently, the concept of eliminating the trigger was extented and appl
ied to patients with established persistent atrial fibrillation. Until now,
it has not been well established how many patients with paroxysmal atrial
fibrillation are "good candidates" for a focal RF ablation procedure, nor i
s the risk of the procedure well defined. Besides the necessity of performi
ng a transseptal catheterization there is the risk of cardiac embolism and
pulmonary vein stenosis. The endpoint of the procedure is also not well def
ined: instead of trying to elimate the "trigger" located in a pulmonary vei
n, it might be safer to isolate the "arrhythmogenic vein". This however, is
a difficult task with current catheter technologies. It can be expected th
at new catheter designs for mapping and ablation and - maybe - the use of a
lternative energy sources - e.g., ultrasound, microwave - will make the pro
cedure easier and applicable to more patients with drug refractory atrial f