Objectives: Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is a chronic pain disorder, where 9
0% of the patients struck by the disorder are women. The neuropeptide oxyto
cin is known to have antinociceptive and analgesic, as well as anxiolytic a
nd antidepressant effects, which makes this neuropeptide of interest in fib
romyalgia research. The aim of this study was to assess oxytocin concentrat
ions in female FMS patients with different hormonal status and in depressed
and non-depressed patients and relate oxytocin concentrations to adverse s
ymptoms as pain, stress, depression, anxiety and to the positive item happi
Methods: Thirty-nine patients and 30 controls registered these symptoms dai
ly during 28 days and blood samples for the assessment of oxytocin were dra
wn twice in all patients and controls. Besides the daily ratings, depressio
n was also estimated with the self-rating instrument Beck Depression Invent
ory (BDI).
Results: Depressed patients according to the BDI differed significantly wit
h low levels of oxytocin compared to the non-depressed patients and the con
trols. Low levels of oxytocin were also seen in high scoring pain, stress a
nd depression patients according to the daily ratings; however, these subgr
oups were small. A negative correlation was found between the scored sympto
ms depression and anxiety and oxytocin concentration, and a positive correl
ation between the item happiness and oxytocin. The oxytocin concentration d
id not differ between the hormonally different subgroups of patients or con
Conclusion: The results suggest that the neuropeptide oxytocin may, togethe
r with other neuropeptides and neurotransmitters, play a role in the integr
ation of the stress axes, monoaminergic systems and the pain processing pep
tides in the pathophysiologic mechanisms responsible for the symptoms in th
e FMS.