Animals are predisposed to memorize specific features of objects they encou
nter, and to link them with behavioral outputs in a selective manner. In th
is study, we examined whether chicks memorize objects by colors, and how th
ey exploit the memorized color cues for selective pecking in 1- to 2-days-o
ld quail chicks (Coturnix japonica). Ball-shaped beads painted in green (G)
, yellowish green (YG) and the intermediate color (YGG) were used. Repetiti
ve presentation of a bead (interval: 4.5 min) resulted in gradually fewer p
ecks (habituation). Subsequent presentation of a different color caused pro
portionately more pecks (dishabituation); e.g., after habituation to the G
bead, the YG bead caused a stronger dishabituation than the YGG bead did. T
he dishabituation appeared symmetric; e.g., the YG bead caused as strong di
shabituation after the G-habituation, as was caused by the G bead after the
YG-habituation. Number of pecks could thus reveal the memory-based color p
erception in chicks. Similar discrimination of beads by memorized color cue
s was found after one-trial passive avoidance training, where chicks learne
d to avoid a bitter-tasting object without any differential pre-training ex
periences. However, proportion of the chicks that discriminated between dif
ferent colors became progressively smaller at test 15 min, 1 hr, and 24 hr
post-training. On the other hand, proportion of chicks that distinguished b
eads by non-color cues remained unchanged. Chicks may primarily form an acc
urate memory of colors, but gradually change the link between the color mem
ory and the pecking behavior.