Foot deformities are common in arthrogryposis multiplex congenita. In
this group of 52 patients with this diagnosis, 43 had foot deformities
. The involvement was bilateral in all cases, and the most common type
of deformity was talipes equinovarus (72 feet). The primary treatment
in 52 of these patients was operative. Brockmann's procedure was the
preferred method during the earlier years and posteromedial or postero
medioplantar release since 1974. Recurrences of the deformity are comm
on; 36 operative procedures were done in 15 feet for recurrence of tal
ipes equinovarus. The primary operative treatment should be extensive
enough to correct all components of the deformity. Knee and hip deform
ity will often influence the outcome. Knee deformities especially caus
e problems in retaining the desired position of the feet. Talectomy an
d bone decancellations both seem to be effective in treating recurrenc