OBJECTIVES: This study aims to assess the prevalence of gastric electrical
activity dysfunction with cutaneous electrogastrography (EGG), disturbances
of gastric emptying function using radiopaque pellets, and gastric endosco
pic abnormalities in patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc). We also invest
igate for an association between EGG and gastric-emptying data with clinica
l manifestations and esophageal motor disturbances.
METHODS: Fasting and postprandial gastric electrical activity was studied i
n 22 consecutive patients with SSc (17 with and 5 without clinical gastric
manifestations) and 22 age- and sex-matched healthy subjects. Gastric empty
ing of radiopaque pellets and gastroscopy were also performed in SSc patien
RESULTS: The prevalence of EGG disturbances was as high as 81.82% in SSc pa
tients. SSc patients exhibited, compared with controls, higher median perce
ntage of dominant frequency in bradygastria during the fasting period and l
ower median values for postprandial electrical power and postprandial to fa
sting ratio for electrical power. Gastric emptying of radiopaque pellets wa
s delayed in 11 SSc patients, and gastroscopy demonstrated "watermelon stom
ach" in 3 SSc patients. No correlation was found between the severity of ga
stric impairment and clinical presentation, SSc duration and subsets, and e
sophageal manometric impairment.
CONCLUSIONS: Our study underlines the high frequency of gastric dysfunction
in SSc patients. It suggests the usefulness of EGG in SSc in noninvasively
detecting disorders of gastric electrical activity at an early stage and s
ymptomatic patients with gastroparesis (because there was a correlation bet
ween values of postprandial to fasting ratio for electrical power of < 1 on
EGG and delayed gastric emptying). Gastric-emptying evaluation of radiopaq
ue pellets may further be a helpful method to depict symptomatic SSc patien
ts with gastroparesis. Finally, our series confirms that watermelon stomach
diagnosis should be excluded in SSc patients presenting with gastrointesti
nal hemorrhage or with anemia related to iron deficiency. (Am J Gastroenter
ol 2001;96: 77-83. (C) 2001 by Am. Coll. of Gastroenterology).