PURPOSE: To determine whether glaucoma is associated with hypothyroidism, a
s has previously been suggested.
METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study and a noncomparative interventiona
l case series, One hundred consecutive patients with newly diagnosed hypoth
yroidism were referred for complete ophthalmologic examination, including a
utomated perimetry and examination of the optic disks, to identify the pres
ence of glaucoma. After correction of the hypothyroidism, reexamination was
RESULTS: No patient had glaucoma and no correlation was found between intra
ocular pressure and either thyroid stimulating hormone or free tri-iodothyr
onine. No statistically significant difference was found between intraocula
r pressure levels before and after treatment of the hypothyroidism.
CONCLUSION: This study does not demonstrate an association between hypothyr
oidism and glaucoma. (Am J Ophthalmol 2001;131:126-128. (C) 2001 by Elsevie
r Science Inc. All rights reserved.).