PURPOSE: To describe a patient with bilateral retinitis pigmentosa and visu
ally disabling vitreous opacities, who benefited from vitrectomy in both ey
METHODS: A 37 year-old man with retinitis pigmentosa and severely constrict
ed visual fields developed a large, dense, vitreous neater and visual obscu
ration in the right eye. Subsequently, diffuse vitreous opacification and v
isual obscuration developed in the left eye.
RESULTS: Bilateral pars plana vitrectomy relieved the patient's visual obsc
urations. Electron micrographs of the excised vitreous opacity from the lef
t eye showed collagen fibrils and cellular debris.
CONCLUSION: Visually significant vitreous opacities may develop as a compli
cation of retinitis pigmentosa, The visual impact of such opacities may be
magnified by its superimposition on limited visual fields, Vitrectomy may b
e of benefit in such cases. (Am J Ophthalmol 2001; 131:133-134; (C) 2001 by
Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.).