Objective-To evaluate the clinical and histologic effects of repeated intra
osseous (IO) needle placement in domestic pigs and determine whether blood
and serum obtained intraosseously could be used for CBC and biochemical ana
Animals-5 healthy 10-week-old pigs.
Procedure-An IO needle was placed in the proximomedial region of the tibia
of anesthetized pigs every other week for 2 months, and IO blood was obtain
ed for CBC and serum biochemical analyses. Results were compared with those
obtained for blood collected at the same rime from the auricular vein. Two
weeks after the final samples were obtained, pigs were euthanatized and ti
bias were processed for histologic examination.
Results-Clinical abnormalities, including lameness, were not detected follo
wing IO needle placement. Histologic examination revealed only mild multifo
cal periosteal fibrosis and slight thickening of the periosteum without evi
dence of osteomyelitis. Chloride, creatinine, glucose, total protein, sodiu
m, and BUN concentrations, alanine transaminase and gamma glutamyl transpep
tidase activities, RBC count, mean corpuscular volume, and Hct did not sign
ificantly differ between IO and venous samples. However, aspartate transami
nase activity, potassium, hemoglobin, and mean corpuscular hemoglobin conce
ntrations, mean corpuscular hemoglobin, and platelet and WBC counts were si
gnificantly different.
Conclusion and Clinical Relevance-Repeated placement of IO needles may be a
safe and clinically useful method to obtain serial blood samples from dome
stic pigs, particularly when other vascular sites are not accessible. Intra
osseous blood can be used for many of the tests comprising CBC and serum bi
ochemical analyses.