During the past decade, the techniques of molecular and cell biology have b
een embraced by many scientists doing research on anopheline vectors of mal
aria parasites. Some of the most important research advances in molecular e
ntomology have concerned the development of sophisticated molecular tools f
or procedures such as genetic and physical mapping and germ line transforma
tion. Major advances have also been made in the study of specific biologica
l processes such as insect defence against pathogens and the manner in whic
h malaria parasites and their anopheline hosts interact during sporogony. O
ne of the most important highlights of this research trend has been the eme
rgence during the past year of a forma International Anopheles gambiae geno
me project, which at present includes investigators in several laboratories
in Europe and the USA. Although much of this molecular research is directe
d towards the development of malaria control strategies that are probably m
any years from implementation, there are some important areas of molecular
entomology that may have a more near-term impact on malaria control. We hig
hlight developments over the past decade in three such areas that we believ
e can make important contributions to the development of near-term malaria
control strategies. These areas are anopheline species identification, the
detection and monitoring of insecticide susceptibility/resistance in wild a
nopheline populations and the determination of the generic structure of ano
pheline populations.