Cell-volume regulation after hyposmotic swelling is common in transporting
epithelial cells. Acute regulatory volume decrease is mediated in several c
ell types by loss of K+ and Cl- via channels either activated by the swelli
ng phenomenon or active in the cell membrane prior to swelling. In the last
two decades, it has become clear that many features of cell-volume regulat
ion mediated by ion fluxes vary considerably among cell types. In some inst
ances, the ion channel activation, although demonstrable, is insufficient t
o account, on the basis of ion fluxes, for the measured cell volume changes
. Here we review the case of a salt-transporting epithelium in which hyposm
otic cell swelling activates plasma membrane K+ channels, but at the same t
ime inhibits Cl- channels, thus preventing an acute volume-regulatory respo
nse. The sequence of events following cell swelling appears to be as follow
s: K+ channels are activated by membrane stretch, the cell membrane hyperpo
larizes (the voltage moves closer to the K+ equilibrium potential) and this
hyperpolarization reduces the Cl- conductance, likely by a reduction in op
en probability of voltage-sensitive Cl- channels. The significance of this
phenomenon may be related to the preservation of intracellular Cl- rather t
han cell volume, or to a physiological "need" to prevent shrinkage of cells
stimulated by hormones or other mediators. Copyright (C) 2000 S. Karger AG
. Basel.