Wetland regions are important components of the local climate, with their o
wn characteristic surface energy and moisture budgets. Realistic representa
tion of wetlands, including the important Vegetation component, may therefo
re be necessary for more accurate simulations of climate and climate change
. However, many land-atmosphere coupled models either ignore wetlands or tr
eat wetlands as bare, water-saturated soil, neglecting the vegetation prese
nt within wetland environments. This study investigates the possible respon
se of the mid-Holocene climate of North Africa to changes in orbital forcin
g, both with and without the presence of wetlands. The location of these we
tlands is guided by analysis of paleovegetation and wetland distribution. I
n this study, the wetland regime in the land surface component of a climate
model was modified to incorporate vegetation. Field measurements have show
n that vegetation affects water loss associated with evaporation (including
transpiration) within a wetland area. Comparisons between non-vegetated we
tland and vegetated wetland revealed an increase in local albedo that produ
ced an associated decrease in net radiation, evaporation and precipitation
in the vicinity of the wetlands regions. Based on an analysis of the model
surface water balance, the calculated area of mid-Holocene wetland coverage
for North Africa closely matches the observed. For the North African regio
n as a whole, the effects of adding vegetation to the wetland produced rela
tively small changes in climate, but local recycling of water may have serv
ed to help maintain paleo wetland communities.