The spectrum of CFTR mutations in three South African populations is presen
ted. To date, a total of 192 white patients (384 chromosomes) with confirme
d CF have been tested. Delta F508 accounts for 76% of the CF chromosomes in
this group, with 3272 - 26A --> G, 394delTT and G542X occurring at the fol
lowing frequencies: 4, 3.6 and 1.3%, respectively. A further 11 mutations a
ccount for 6% of CF chromosomes. A total of 91% of the CF-causing mutations
can now be detected in the South African white population. Haplotype analy
sis suggests a founder effect in South Africans of European origin for the
two common CFTR mutations, 3272 - 26A --> G and 394delTT.
The diagnosis of CF has been confirmed in 14 coloured and 12 black CF patie
nts. In the coloured population, both the Delta F508 and 3120 +/- 1G --> A
mutations occur at appreciable frequencies of 43 and 29%, respectively. In
the black population, the most common CF-causing mutation, the 3120 + 1G --
> A mutation, occurs at an estimated frequency of 46%. Four other mutations
have been detected, resulting in the identification of a total of 62.5% of
mutations in this population.