We construct families of normal surface singularities with the following pr
operty: given any flat projective connected family V --> B of smooth, irred
ucible, minimal algebraic surfaces, the general singularity in one of our f
amilies cannot occur, analytically, on any algebraic surfaces which is bira
tionally equivalent to a surface in V --> B. In particular this holds for V
--> B consisting of a single rational surface, thus answering negatively t
o a long standing problem posed by F. Enriques. In order to prove the above
mentioned results, we develop a general, though elementary, method, based
on the consideration of suitable correspondences, for comparing a given fam
ily of minimal surfaces with a family of surface singularities. Specificall
y the method in question gives us the possibility of comparing the paramete
rs on which the two families depend, thus leading to the aforementioned res