A procedure for rat bone marrow differential analysis using Row cytometry a
nd commercially available monoclonal antibodies is described. The method us
es a combination of the differential expression of leucocyte common antigen
(CD45) on different cell lineages and the expression of transferrin recept
or (CD71). This is coupled with the side scatter measurement (SSC) for morp
hological complexity and nucleic acid staining with LDS-751 for the separat
ion of all nucleated cells from mature red blood cells. The relative number
of erythroid, myeloid and lymphoid cells as well as the M:E ratio was gene
rated by the flow cytometric method with acceptable reproducibility and a g
ood agreement with microscopic analysis. There were no significant differen
ces in mean values of the three cell populations between males and females
or between bone marrow samples collected from left and right femurs. The fl
ow cytometric analysis of bone marrow provides a semi-automated and rapid m
ethod that is suitable for the evaluation of rat bone marrow in the preclin
ical toxicity investigations.