A 30-year-old man with atopic dermatitis had had erythema and itching of th
e hands after washing rice in water, though he had always eaten cooked rice
without problems. Handling test with water used to wash regular rice was p
erformed on abraded hands, and produced urticarial erythema after several m
inutes. Applications of water used to wash allergen-reduced rice were negat
ive for urticarial reaction. Prick test with water used to wash regular ric
e was +++. However prick test reaction with water used to wash allergen-red
uced rice was +. Histamine-release test of regular rice-washing water was g
rade 3 and that of allergen-reduced rice grade 1. In immunoblotting analysi
s with regular rice washing water, there were no bands with this patient. T
hese results suggest that the allergen responsible for contact urticaria in
this patient might be water-soluble, heat-unstable, and not contained in a
llergen-reduced rice.