There is significant evidence for higher-level cortical control of pupillar
y responses to visual stimuli, suggesting that factors other than luminance
changes may induce a pupillary response. In the present study, the pupilla
ry responses to equiluminant flickering stimuli in a range of 3-13 Hz were
examined. Flicker stimuli included color-black (luminance-modulated) and co
lor-color (hue-modulated) flicker. Equiluminance was determined both by obj
ective luminance measures as well as by subjective, perceptual equiluminanc
e for each subject. For both objectively and subjectively equiluminant flic
ker, significant, sustained pupillary constrictions were recorded. The magn
itude of these responses was sensitive to both color and frequency paramete
rs; red-blue color-paired flicker consistently produced the strongest const
rictions. These responses occurred even when the nicker was of a lower lumi
nance, both physically and perceptually, than a preceding nonflickering col
or, indicating that chromatic rather than luminance-sensitive mechanisms ar
e involved in this response. Interestingly, the color- and frequency-sensit
ivity of constriction parallels those of flickers which maximally stimulate
photosensitive epileptic patients, raising the possibility that chromatic
response may be a factor in photosensitivity.