Age and growth patterns of C. paludica was examined in the River Lozoya (Ce
ntral Spain) where permanent water in main river channel is restricted to s
mall isolated ponds. The maximum observed lengths were 83 mm in females and
57 mm in males. The population of C. paludica was represented by six age g
roups, i. e. from 0+ to 5+. Large differences in life-span between sexes we
re observed, e.g. the oldest female was in age 5+ and male in age 3+. Age v
alidation was made by analysis of length frequency diagrams using Bhattacha
rya's method, followed by the modal class progression analysis. The most li
kely solution consisted of 6 age groups with separation index values greate
r than 2. The explained distribution was significantly different from the o
bserved distribution (chi (2) = 52.861, df = 9, P<0.001 for females and <ch
i>(2) = 73.391, df = 6, P < 0.001 for males). The von Bertalanffy equations
that defines growth pattern were: L-<iota> = 91.78[1-e(-0.239(l+1.246))] (
r(2) = 0.804) for females and L-iota = 59.3[1-e(-0.68---+0.616))] (r(2)=0.7
22) for males. The weight - length relationship calculated for each sample
occasion showed no differences in slope between sexes.