Within the frame of inprocess analytics of the synthesis of pharmaceutical
drugs a lot of HPLC methods are required for checking the quality of interm
ediates and drug substances. The methods have to be developed in terms of o
ptimal selectivity and low limit of detection, minimum running time and chr
omatographic robustness. The goal was to shorten the method development pro
cess. Therefore, the screening of stationary phases was automated by means
of switching modules equipped with 12 HPLC columns. Mobile phase and temper
ature could be optimized by using Drylab((R)) after evaluating chromatogram
s of gradient elutions performed automatically. The column switching module
was applied for more than three dozens of substances, e.g. steroidal inter
mediates. Resolution (especially of isomeres), peak shape and number of pea
ks turned out to be the criteria for selection of the appropriate stationar
y phase. On the basis of the "best" column the composition of the "best" el
uent was usually defined rapidly and with less effort. This approach leads
to savings in manpower by more than one third. Overnight, impurity profiles
of the intermediates were obtained yielding robust HPLC methods with high
selectivity and minimized elution time.