The tensor charges of the nucleon are calculated by using the QCD Sum Rules
in the external tensor field,where the nucleon interpolating field(nucleon
current operator)takes the most general form, i.e. the unconventional one.
Calculation includes the terms up to demension 8. All possible effects on
QCD sum rule calculations of tensor charges of the nucleon by changing inte
rpelating field and tensor susceptibilities are analysed. The calculations
show that the stable solution for QCD sum rules of tensor charges of the nu
cleon can not be obtained by changing interpolating field and tensor suscep
tibilities. However,the stable behavior of the solutions for the sum rules
of isovector and isoscalar tensor charges may be improved when the interpol
ation field takes the best one. The tensor charges of the nucleon by taking
average over the so-called"sum rule window"are given.