Karyotyping of a malformed male newborn revealed the unbalanced karyotype o
f 46,XY, psudic(5;21)(q12;p13), +5 resulting in trisomy for the short arm o
f chromosome 5 and partial trisomy for 5q. Both parents had normal karyotyp
es in their peripheral blood lymphocytes. A second pregnancy ended in a mis
carriage at 16 weeks gestation, sonographically 12 weeks. Karyotyping of ch
orionic villi from the abortus revealed the same unbalanced karyotype that
had been identified in the first child. Fluorescence in-situ hybridization
analysis confirmed a trisomy 5p. Microsatellite marker analysis ruled out i
llegitimacy and proved the maternal origin of the trisomic section of chrom
osome 5. Extended chromosome analysis of 60 metaphase cells from maternal s
kin fibroblasts and 40 metaphase cells from lymphocytes did not reveal mosa
icism for psudic(5;21). These findings suggest the presence of a maternal g
ermline mosaicism.