As an object rotates with respect to a stationary ultrasonic beam, the scat
tering centers within the object return echoes that are Doppler-shifted in
frequency by amounts depending on the velocities of the individual scattere
rs. The scattering centers that lie on a line of constant cross-range all h
ave the same effective velocity in the direction pointing toward the transd
ucer; therefore, the backscattered echo amplitude at any particular frequen
cy is the line integral of the scattered radiation at the cross-range corre
sponding to that frequency. The amplitudes of the returned signals at other
frequencies give the line integrals for the scatterers at the correspondin
g cross-ranges. The amplitude as a function of frequency can be interpreted
as a tomographic projection. A continuum of the projections at different p
ositions is generated while the object is rotating. A tomographic reconstru
ction algorithm can produce an image of the distribution of scattering cent
ers in the insonified object from these projections.
A microscanner was developed to investigate the approach of using continuou
s wave (CW) ultrasound for cross-sectional imaging. The resolution is limit
ed by the target size and the ultrasonic wavelength.