To reduce allogeneic blood transfusion requirements during extracorporeal m
embrane oxygenation (ECMO) we evaluated an autotransfusion device which pro
cesses and retransfuses erythrocytes of changed ECMO-systems. We studied 10
elective changes of ECMO-systems in 7 patients. Hemoglobin levels. the amo
unt of retransfused autologous blood and of transfused allogeneic packed re
d blood cell units were documented within 48 h after the system change and
compared to the measurements obtained from former ECMO-system changes witho
ut using any autotransfusion device. We determined the Horrowitz-index, Int
erleukin 6, 10, TNF-alpha and endothelial concentrations and coagulation pa
rameters during the 48 hours after system change to study the compatibility
of this procedure. Allogeneic blood transfusion was reduced from 7 to 2 un
its of packed red cells using the autotransfusion device. Additionally, no
hints of any harmful side effects in these patients was observed.