Peak-to-peak amplitudes of the N1P2 and N2P3 components in the target ERPs
from a fixed interstimulus interval auditory oddball paradigm were investig
ated as a function of within-subject pre-stimulus levels of alpha activity.
Fourteen subjects were each presented with 600 auditory stimuli in a two-t
one auditory oddball paradigm which required a button-press to targets, pre
sented with 50% probability. Pre-stimulus alpha activity at Pt was assessed
for each trial by digital filtering from 8 to 13 Hz, and alpha RMS amplitu
de was used to sort the ERPs at Pz and Cz. A direct relationship was obtain
ed between component amplitudes at both Pz and Cz and pre-stimulus alpha le
vel at Pt. Component latencies were strongly related to post-stimulus alpha
peaks and troughs. These data confirm the intimate relationship between ce
ntral nervous system activation, as evidenced by spontaneous EEG in the pre
-stimulus period, and the ERP resulting from stimulus presentation. (C) 200
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