The hospice model of care of the dying patient is regarded as a model of ex
cellence; however outcomes of this care have been poorly demonstrated. Inte
grated Care Pathways (ICPs) provide a method of recording and measuring out
comes of care. The ICP document replaces all previous documentation and is
a multiprofessional record of patient care. The aim of this study was to im
plement an ICP in an inpatient hospice setting in order to set standards of
care for symptom control in the dying phase of a patient's life. ICPs were
analyzed from 168 inpatients who died over a one-year period. Symptoms of
pain, agitation, and respiratory tract secretions (RTS) were monitored ever
y four hours by nursing staff as either present or absent. For each symptom
, 80% of patients had one episode or complete control of the symptom, 10% h
ad two episodes, and 10% had three episodes or more recorded. As death near
ed, there was a statistically significant increase in the number of patient
s whose pain was controlled. The ICP has provided a means to measure sympto
m control in the dying patient and set standards of care, which is integrat
ed into clinical practice. (C) U.S. Cancer Pain Relief Committee, 2001.